Mwoakilloa Line of Kings

Mwoakilloa Line of Kings

King Year Reigned Cause of Death/Demise

1. Lakaidak 1777-1790 Starved by Famine after Great Typhoon

2. Lajapwoa 1790-1809 Natural Death

3. Wasetip 1809-1825 Natural Death

4. Lejemoahj 1825-1832 Killed by son of Sinipwoa; Jutakno

5. Sinipwoa 1832-1838 Killed by rivals, probably Watakwa Clan

6. Watakwa 1840-1842 Killed by rivals

7. Lalawa 1842-1843 Lostat sea in canoe upset

8. Nohjua 1843-1845 Killed by rivals

9. Lemjoruj 1845-1869 Killed by rivals

10. Jarkiben 1869-1879 Natural Death

11. Mahk 1879-1884 Natural Death

12. Jakraihaj [Sakaraiaz] 1884-1890 Natural Death

13. Ayjak [Isaac] 1890-1892 Natural Death

14. Piza [Peter] 1892-1902 Natural Death

15. Sakoyba [Poll] 1902-1904 Natural Death

16. Joel 1904-1941 Natural Death

17. August 1941-1957 Natural Deat

18. No King 1957-1984 Johla Nanmwarki

19. Sahn 1984 Arai mihn Mwoakilloa pohn doak Mwoakilloa pilda Sahn en wia Nanmwarki

On King Sahn 1984 by John Molens Ben-Obed:
I was on Mwoakilloa at the time and the reasoning as presented to us Mwoakilles, was that the Pohnpei Constitutional Convention was convening and a Pre-Convention rule said the TRADITIONAL LEADERSHIP of all the Municipalities will automatically join the Convention, two from each municipality, Nahnmwarki apel Nahken. So we decided that Sahn and Dijon Edson will come as Traditional Leaders of MOKIL, later to be spelled MWOAKILLOA. I was among those that did NOT SAY that they can retain their Tradition Titles after the Convention. Our group say that after the Pohnpei Constitutional Convention, we return to the previous status quo.

After the Convention, the Mwoakillese of Pohnpei took the matter to the Supreme Court of Pohnpei State,because the New Pohnpei Constitution urges "recognition of tradition" shall exist in the goverment. The Court ask the Mwoakillese to settle this matter themselves. We have not settled it and both Nahnmwarki Sahn and Nahnken Dijon have passed away.


Lajapwoa descended from Lakaidak
Wasetip is the son of Lajapwoa
Lejemoahj is the oldest son of Wasetip
Sinipoa is the brother of Lejemoahj
Watakwa is the brother-in law of Sinipwoa and Lejemoahj [Wife: Litakiju]
Lalawa is the oldest son of Watakwa
Nojua is the son of Likinowen, sister of Lejemoahj, Sinipwoa and Litakiju
Lemjoruj is the son of Watakwa, he is a brother of Lalawa
Jarkiben is a descendant of Sinipwoa
Mahk is the son of Jondangwa [and white Missionary Sahn], sister of Nojua
Jakraiahj is a son of Sinipwoa, adopted by the Okasau Clan
Ayjak, Son of Lekeyen [Okasau Clan] grew up with the family of Sinipwoa
Peter is the son of Lemjoruj
Poll is the son of Nojua
Joel is the son of Mahk
August is the son of Joel

By John Molens Ben-Obed Facebook post June 10, 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jipwuki is 700 not 100, epwki is 100.